I know you!

You work, you have a family and you want a beautiful home.

You are busy. Your time is sacred. Your down time, when you get it, is even more precious. You want to come home to a place that makes you happy, that feeds your spirit.  You want to walk through the door into a space that works for you and those who share it with you.


I can help you get there

I'm Leigh Vigil, a designer and creative thinker with a gift for finding unique solutions for problem interiors. Beyond the elements and principals of design, there is a psychology to designing a space. It's not just about paint chips and fabric swatches or what furniture goes where. 

It's about emotion

Think about how you want to feel when you walk through the door. Energized? Relaxed? Rejuvenated? A well thought out design plan can be a blueprint for living better. Whether it's using what you have in a redesign or re-imagining your room in a whole new way, together we can create a space that is uniquely, simply, you. 

My story

Before I realized I could help people live better by creating beautiful and functional spaces, I went to school and got a degree in Journalism and Psychology.  Then as a busy wife and mom with two kids, and no budget for home décor; I came up with creative ways to make my home be an expression of me and my family and to work for us. I found excitement in scoring free doors on the side of the road and turning them into a room divider. I remember letting out an audible squeal when driving up to a garage sale and seeing the perfect mid-century lamps sitting on a table waiting to come and live at my house.  I devoured design shows and shelter magazines. I found my passion. I finally knew what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I went back to school and earned a degree in Interior Design at Bellevue College. I've been working as a designer for over 8 years helping people enhance their lives by enhancing their spaces. I still get excited when I find just the right pieces that make a room sing.

The design process should be as fun as seeing the end result.